Kelly Choi 
Part 2 Architectural Assistant / Urban Designer
Master of Architecture 2023
The University of Melbourne
User Experience Design Certificate 2020
RMIT University 
Bachelor of Environments (Architecture and Urban Design & Planning) 2018
The University of Melbourne
Kelly is passionate about design that brings social and environmental benefits. Trained in both urban design and architecture, she strives to design sustainable and inclusive architectures and vibrant public realms that are people-centered and responsive to context. 
She received her Master of Architecture in 2023 with First Class Honours, and the Australian Institute of Architects awarded her thesis (Waste No More) the Victoria Chapter Student Ideas Prize the same year.
She has experience with design offices in Melbourne and Hong Kong. She has worked on various projects with public and private clients in Australia, Hong Kong, and Africa, from precinct masterplanning to site-specific concept design and stakeholder engagement to design guidelines. The spectrum of works she is involved in includes cultural, mixed-use, retail, housing and community projects.
In her spare time, Kelly enjoys visiting galleries and exploring cities by taking long walks.