In this project, I assisted Stop 1, the student service centre in the University of Melbourne, to work on its signage and way findings design. Since Stop is recently renovated, they wanted a better directional design to circulate visitors, meanwhile, provide clearer health & safety information within the building 757 Swanston. 
My works are selected to be used by Stop 1, and they are currently in the production stage.
Way-findings Floor Decals
Simple & Easy to follow is what the new way-finding floor decals aim to do in Stop 1. The design of this floor decals is to supplement the existing direction signage in the building. 
Inspired by the smartphone age, where visitors always look down on their phone when walking. I design a floor way-findings decals to catch the eyes from the confusing visitors who may be browsing on their phone to locate themselves in the google map.  The floor decals are straightforward to guide people around the building from the Swanston Street entrance. 
The overall design met the navigation and university branding requirement in a low cost and easy to maintain way.
Health & Safety Poster
Health & Safety Poster Legibility is the key to the health and safety poster. Meanwhile, to keep the coherent branding image as the University of Melbourne is also vital in a public institution. This poster is looking the balance between appealing and clarity of a poster within the university branding. I worked with the Occupational Health & Safety Team and External Affairs Team of Stop 1 to reimagine the possibility of displaying the Health & Safety Information in the University.